Geodesic services performed by “Geocad 93” Ltd.
1. Preparation of projects for modification of cadastre maps When you find that your property is not reflected in the cadastral map in true boundaries, we can design a project to change the cadastral map according to your documents of property possession. Required documents:
Duration: 15-20 working days.
2. Tracing of property boundaries To trace the boundaries of your land it is necessary to provide a copy of the updated sketch of the property. The sketch must be issued by: 1. For areas with an effective cadastral map and cadastral registers (CM and CR)
2. For areas without a final cadastral map and cadastral registers (CM and CR)
Besides tracing the property boundaries, it is necessary to get permission from the technical service for construction of a fence. Duration: 2-3 days
To be able to divide your property it is necessary to present: A copy of the updated plan and a copy of ownership document. We will shoot the boundaries of your property on site and together with you we will produce a project for partition. Duration: 5-7 days
If the project for vertical programming is created by our company, then we have all the data and it is only necessary to call us on the phone (at least 2-3 days earlier) and tell us the number of the district in regulation and the number of property and we will come to trace the spot contour of the building. If the project for vertical planning is made by another company, we will need to get your layout plan of the building and a copy of the current sketch. Within 3-4 days we will initiate the trace. Duration: 2-3 days
4) The owner- or, respectively, the investor shall supply - to the service on geodesy, cartography and cadastre data about all structures, whether newly-constructed, additional stories, extensions, below-ground structures, rebuilt or demolished structures, as well as all relevant data as per Article 34, pursuant to the provisions and procedure prescribed by the ordinance as per Article 31. Required documents:
For areas with an effective cadastral map and cadastral registers (CC and CR) - if self-contained objects (apartments, offices, etc.). in the building have different ownership or ownership is to be changed, it is desirable to have schemes for the separate objects. Then you will need to provide us with the whole architectural design project (if possible in digital form), documents of ownership of the individual sites and a area-defining table. Duration: 15-20 working days.
6. Preparation of detailed development plans Detailed development plans can be:
For the preparation of DDP we need the following documents:
Duration: 10-15 working days
7. Preparation of topographical plans The topographical plan depicts the boundaries of your property and all situational and field details. It is necessary to provide us a copy of the current sketch, and after geodesic shooting you will get a topographic plan of your property, which is required by designers. Duration: 2-3 days
8. Developing of projects for vertical planning The project for vertical planning is the necessary modification of the relief to be adapted to the requirements of construction, drainage and transportation with the most economical and prudent execution of earthworks. The projects determine the height position of streets, alleys, buildings and facilities for convenience of transport and pedestrians, and removal of surface water in natural water intakes or sewers. They are made by three methods: numerical, graphical or graphic-analytical. Together with the project for vertical planning a tracing plan is produced that defines the planned location of buildings and facilities. For the development of the vertical plan and the tracing plan we need the architectural design of the building. Within 5 working days
9. Design of vertical alignment projects Vertical alignment design for vertical planning establishes the necessary amendment of relief by defining height position of streets and intersections. The project is a comprehensive settlement of the longitudinal slopes of the streets; the direction of flow of surface water drainage in specific cases, the need for facilities demonstrates the consistency of the new streets. It incorporates longitudinal sections of the streets, typical cross sections, and the overall scheme of vertical planning, cartogram of land masses and the basic plan. It is invariably accompanied by tracing the axial network and overall height and scheduled filming of the street network. Duration: 5 days
10. Filming of facades and development of 3-D model of buildings For the purposes of architectural design we can create for you a 3D model of the facade of the building. The company has Canadian software PhotoModeler, by which from several images of a facade a 3-D digital model is made. Filming is done with camera NIKON D90. Duration: 3-4 days
11. Digitalization of mapped materials If you have a plan or a map on paper we will digitize the information and provide it in a vector form in the format specified by you. Duration: Depending on the workload
We perform aero triangulation for both linear and area objects with digital photogrammetric station "PHOTOMOD". The process includes:
13. Mapping the terrain and situation from aerial photos We produce a digital model of an object, according to your requirements for detail, accuracy and speed.
14. Production of orthophoto plans Creation of orthophoto plans at different scales from satellite and aerial photos based on digital terrain model.
15. Scanning of aerial photos from different photographic carriers Company “Geokad-93 "Ltd. has a wide format photogrammetric scanner Delta Scan 320x470, produced by GeoSystem, Vinnitsa. Whether your photos are on film or a contact sheet, we can scan the image with high geometric accuracy and resolution in the range of 8-12 μ.
16. Determination of the volume of earthwork Calculations for earthwork are made on the basis of two topographic images of the site - before and after completion of excavation. In case a necessary for interim monitoring of excavation appears, by geodesic filming and processing of data we can provide you with the results for each stage of your work.
17. Highprecision 3D laser scanning Laser scanning is a non-contact imaging of objects and display them with a cloud of points. Its advantages are high speed scanning, high accuracy in the display even the smallest detail and completeness of the information for research subject. Used as a basis for making orthoimages create 3D graphic models or interactive representations of objects. They may be useful for reconstruction or restoration of buildings of cultural heritage archives, recording of archaeological sites, making executive of buildings lost records, etc.
Easily create ortofotoimages:
Interactive view of scanend object:
Web gallery with videos of scanned objects and examples of application of the method:
Panorama of photographs taken during scanning: